REB Updates: Ubutumire mu mahugurwa y’abarimu ku bufatanye na California Science Center

Kigali, on 23/08/2023
N°:3122/REB/05/ 2023

District Executive Administrator: Gasabo, Kicukiro and Nyarugenge

Dear Madam/Sir,

Re: Invitation of Primary SET teachers to attend training science courses

In collaboration between California Science Center and Ministry of Education through Rwanda Basic
Education Board (REB), the California Science Center has organized the training of Hands -On Activities
and Engineering Activities to science primary teachers in support of SET Curriculum.

The purpose of this training is to enhance pedagogical practice in science through Hands-On Activities
and Engineering activities to complement the current Science and Elementary Technology (SET)
Curriculum that is being used to teach Rwanda students from P1 to P6.

It is in this context that Rwanda Basic Education Board (REB) is pleased to invite SET teachers from
your respective District to attend the aforementioned training that will take place in GS Kicukiro from
24th to 25th August, 2023 starting from 8:00 am. The list of invitees for each District is here-with
attached. The teachers will bring their own copy of the SET Teachers Guide (to be used when
planning a hands-on science lesson) and the signed Mission Orders from their schools. REB will
cover all expenses related to this training course.

For any inquiries, please reach out to Mr. Desire MURIGANDE, the Biology and Chemistry Teacher
Training Officer/REB, through Email: or Tel: 0788815160.

Yours sincerely,

Digitally signed by
Director General

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