Kigali, on 20/08/2023
N°: 3093/REB/05/2023
Mayor of District (All)
District Executive Administrator (All)
Dear Sir / Madam,
Re: Invitation to a two-day training on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) for the selected Head Teachers, pre-primary mentors and lower Primary Kinyarwanda School Subject Leaders (SSLS)
The USAID-Tunoze Gusoma project is commited to developing the pedagogical competencies of pre-
primary and lower primary literacy teachers which will enable them to effectively implement the
Kinyarwanda curriculum. In this regard, the project plans to provide teachers with high quality blended
learning continuous professional development (CPD) content. Part of this content is a course on Social
and Emotional Learning (SEL) approaches designed to increase teachers awareness and capacity to
support students’ social and emotional development.
Rwanda Basıc Education Board (REB) in collaboration with USAID Tunoze Gusoma is planning to
conduct a two-day training for School Head Teachers, Pre-primary ECE mentors, and lower primary
Kinyarwanda SSLs, on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and how it should be integrated in pre-primary
and lower primary classes.
This training is scheduled to take place at different training sites in their respective districts and
sectors from 21 August to 12 September 2023 from 8:00 a.m. Head teachers, ECE mentors and
lower primary Kinyarwanda SSLs are expected to train fellow teachers in their schools before the start
of the new School year 2023/2024. The training plan in each province and district is attached hereafter.
For additional information about this workshop, please contact Jules Gatete, SEL Specialist at Tunoze
Gusoma on Tel: 0788461190 or via E-mail: or MURASIRA Gerard,
Director of Teacher Training Unit at REB on Tel: 0788625992 or via E-mail:
Yours sincerely,
Digitally signed by Dr MBARUSHIMANA Nelson
Director General