A Rwandan woman describes her anguish of becoming a grandmother at the age of 34.

In Rubavu, Rwanda’s western region, a 34-year-old woman has a grandson born to her eldest daughter. She fears the poor living conditions will drive her to the mountains, but when she sees her grandchild, she is amazed.

Gaudence Sumwiza, the mother, lives in Rukingo village in Rugerero sector and came to live in this area of Rwamagana District where she is from.

Gaudence, who already has three daughters, is now 34 years old, and she and her 17-year-old daughter live together.

Gaudence, her daughter, and a baby live in a small two-room house for three thousand dollars a month.

Gaudence told RADIOTV10 that she married a man when she was young, and they divorced after having three daughters. She recommended herself to move to Rubavu District to establish a life, leaving her children with her children.

She claims that she was born at the age of 34, on par with others who were unmarried, because she married at a young age owing to family concerns.

.She claims that being named grandmother is never an issue for her, but being unable to care for her daughter, who has become a mother, and her freshly born baby is her worst disappointment in life.

“The problem I have is not being able to provide food like rice for my family,” she explained.

This mother said that everything happened as a result of mistreatment in her family, which led to her becoming a mother at a young age and hence the daughter.

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