Fears among Burundians who fled to Europe over unexplained deaths

The an explicable deaths that continue to target their fellow nationals terrify Burundian refugees residing in Europe, and they believe that it is time for them to take greater autonomy. These worries were raised following the announcement of Rose Ndayizimye’s death on December 12, 2023, in the Belgian city of Charleroi, where she had gone to assist a woman who had just given birth. Rose was found dead under the bed.

A Burundian who lives in Belgium told a VOA reporter that it appeared that Rose may have been hit in the head. Rose’s death followed that of another Murundi who died in Belgium in August 2023 and another who died in The Hague, Netherlands in September 2023. The Dutch police explained that they found that the tests taken of the person who died in La Haye showed that he was killed by poison because it was found that there was a burnt in his stomach.

Journalist Joséphine Jones Nkunzimana, who fled to Belgium, says that it is time for Burundians living in exile to protect themselves, because there is a risk that they will be killed like Rose. This journalist said: “Here in Europe, there is no place where you can meet someone once, the second time you go to greet them because you live far away, and you go and sleep. A person can be killed where he went to spend the night and where he went to sit with others and went to eat, this is to avoid.” The director of the RPA newspaper, who also lives in Belgium, Bob Rugurika, recently announced that he has information that there is a plan to poison Burundians living in Europe, and that he is also among those being hunted by the Burundian government.

Rugurika confirmed this information when he announced that he had evidence that Pierre Nkurunziza, who led Burundi until 2020, was poisoned. It is information that is different from that announced by the State, because it explained that he was killed by cardiac arrest.

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