Bruce Melody reveals why he can’t promote The Ben’s Song

Bruce Melodie, who is currently touring and promoting his song “When She’s Around” in the United States and previously collaborated with the legend Shaggy, has stated that he will not be promoting The Ben’s song because The Ben does not promote Bruce Melody music as well.

Semitego Muzafaru known as ddumba.a did a short interview on Instagram, where he invited Bruce Melodie. Among the questions he asked him, was why he didn’t put The Ben’s new song on his social media and as other artists did. In his strict response, Bruce Melodie said it’s not his job to promote his fellow artists’ songs.

“Who told you that I am music promoter?” Bruce Melody asked. Have you ever seen my songs on his social media? This is clear. Although I think this song is wonderful, I won’t be sharing it with my fans. Bruce Melodie continued, saying he didn’t have time to to promote The Ben’s music. “That culture of promoting each other is not shared between us,” he declared.

Bruce Melodie said that in his plan of promoting things, he has many things to promote but the plan of promoting The Ben’s song is not included.

“Just as I am struggling with my songs,  he has also to struggle with his songs. And as he also never promotes mine, i see no potential to promote his songs.

The Ben released ‘It’s Forever’ recently as a tribute to his freshly married wife Uwicyeza Pamella.

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