Re: Request for selection of Primary school teachers to attend Digital Literacy training
The Government of Rwanda signed a credit financing agreement with World Bank, to support Rwanda’s Quality Basic Education for the Human Capital Development project. The overall objective of the project is to improve teacher competency, student retention and learning in basic education in Rwanda. One of its components is “Enhancing teacher effectiveness for improved student learning”. Under this
component there is a subcomponent “Improve teachers’ English language and digital literacy”. The
objective of this subcomponent is to improve teachers’ English language proficiency and digital literacy
through e-learning.
It is in background that, Rwanda Basic Education Board (REB) is planning to train and equip primary school teachers with digital literacy skills. This not only empowers teachers to use technology
effectively in the classroom but also enables teachers to proficiently use the Microsoft products at their disposal. The training will be done in 5 phases whereby 2000 teachers will be trained in phase I, 2000 teachers in phase II, 2000 in phase IlI, 2000 teachers in Phase IV and 2000 in phase V. Each phase will be scheduled for 5 days (3 days for face-to-face training sessions and 2 days for face-to-face exams) and
3 days for the online sessions.
Therefore, REB is requesting for a support in the selection of Primary School Teachers to attend Digital
Literacy Training which is planned to be done in 5 phases from 13th October, 2023 to 28 January, 2023,
both online and face-to-face training sessions will be conducted during the weekend and holidays.
Attached are the training plan, the selection criteria for the teachers to be trained in all five phases, the
training centers and a list of schools where selection will be given priority for further reference.
For more information please contact: Mrs. NYIRAKARIBU Mujawimana Claudine, the ECE and Primary School Instruction Technology Engineer via Email: or Tel 0788448796 or
Mrs. NSHIMIRIMANA Nadine, the Ag. English Proficiency Specialist on Email:, or Tel: 0788573619.
Your sincerely,
Digitally signed by Dr MBARUSHIMANA Nelson
Director General