Training of schools with sciences laboratory managers on sound management of chemicals and hazardous waste.

The Headteacher of public and private secondary school with sciences laboratory

Dear Madam/Sir,

Re: Training of sciences laboratory managers on sound management of chemicals and hazardous

Rwanda is a party to various Multilateral Environmental agreements including the chemical-based conventions that provide guidance on control and sound management of chemicals and hazardous waste for protecting human health and the environment from their negative impacts.

For the implementation of these conventions, Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) is
implementing 2 projects: “Strengthening the institutional capacity for sound management of chemicals
and hazardous waste in Rwanda” and “Decoupling Hazardous Waste Generation from Economic Growth of
Rwanda (DHWG)” the main objective of these projects is to promote Environmental sound management of
chemicals and hazardous waste to promote people and environment health.

It is against this background that REMA would like to request your office to delegate a staff who has Sciences laboratory management in his/her responsibility to participate in this important training that will bring together lab managers from public and private higher learning institutions and secondary schools with laboratories. The invited teacher or lab technician should come with a list (signed and stamped hard copy and soft copy) of expired chemicals if are available, the list will indicate the name ot chemicals
quantity and date of expiration. This information will be used in planning of proper interim storages and
disposals for appropriate management of chemicals and hazardous waste.

The training will take place in 3 groups; List of participants, dates and venue of each group is indicated in the concept note attached. All costs related to his/her participation shall be covered by

In case you need further information, you may contact Mr. NGIRABAKUNZI Octavien on his
tel: 0788698007 or on his email to:


Director General
Hon. Minister, Mo
Hon. Minister, MINEDUC
Mayors (All)




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